My darling husband, made my dull and weary wintry world GLOW this week! PLEASE let me tell you how…
FIRST! He gave me my birthday present EARLY! For anyone who may know me, I dislike anticipation of wonderful days…Christmas is always a few days before. So this birthday present in March was AMAZING! Let me show you what i got…
CHICKENS! Some people think I’m crazy, and they would be right. I miss my chickens from the other house so much.
And, what I love even more, when I asked darling husband what his plans were for the coop, he said, “I don’t really know…*giggle* These were kind of a whim purchase…” My logical, down to earth husband made a WHIM purchase! I am so proud of him. Oh my heart’s beating so fast!
THEN! If you didn’t think I was crazy from the previous paragraph...(this seems dumb but it’s HUGE!)
I have a really weird phobia of the shower. I understand that it’s a clean place, but I HATE when I touch the curtain or the walls or if my feet are in standing water or if someone else’s hair is on me or uuugh…GROSS. Baths SHAKE ME TO THE CORE! Let me just soak in my own filth. No, that’s FOWL! (I won’t judge you if you take baths…I give my daughters baths (then, when there finished I make them soap again and rinse with the shower head) but please don’t ever force me to take one…PLEASE!) Well, late Tuesday night after the girls were in bed, I hopped in the shower and in my disgust, I was standing in water. After hearing my squeals, Nathan (semi begrudgingly, but) out of his love for me and my quirks, went down to the basement and cleaned out the p-trap. Now, I’m not going to go into too much detail, but let me just state, one thing that people often don’t mention is how much of your hair falls out after you’ve had a baby…yeah. My husband is AMAZING!
LASTLY, to put icing on the cake, my sweet husband spread his tech savvy wings and started a Wineinger Farms facebook page. In his efforts to help make it possible for me to stay at home, he is trying to increase the cow business. We have been working on selling beef in bundles of what people want, like 10 lb of hamburger and 4 steaks or 3 roasts and some ribs…
…then I got all giddy b/c now that I have these chickens, I can sell eggs there as well! AWESOME! We are such entrepreneurs.
Man, he’s so great. Sigh.
And cute…well…if he’d cut the beard off back to the gotee (as seen above) it would be better…you win some you lose some…