Last night, I did something revolutionary…
Tuesday nights are small group nights, so I make dinner for the crew. It was breakfast for dinner, because Ruthie will eat it, and Nathan has a love relationship with breakfast casserole. (PS. I found this recipe which doesn’t require for me to make it the night before…AMAZING!) Then, do you know what I did while the casserole was baking?
I did the dishes…
Now, to you, that may sound like…uhh…ok…but that doesn’t happen in my house. For the dishes to be done on the same night the meal is cooked takes a small miracle, like a grandma over, or take out boxes that I can just throw in the trash, and even then, I usually throw them away the next morning.
Then it was small group where we ate dinner and bible studied…but then, I put the girls to bed, and theeeen…you know what I did after that?
I read…not a magazine… not something that was required…I read a BOOK! I won’t say how long ago I started this said book, but I read a BOOK!
And then, when I was tired…you want to know what I did then…. I WENT TO BED!
Now, please, humor me here. But for a working mom, with the platter that I somehow carry on my head, because I obviously don’t have the hands to hold it, things like this don’t happen unless I’m on vacation in Texas.
As I laid in bed last night, I chuckled a little and just thought to myself, “I made it.” I have made it out of survival mode…out of the winter…and into enjoyment.
Now, of course, I’m not crazy…I may enter this mode again come busy spring schedules, but for this moment, I’m in mommy heaven. I’ve cracked the code for a minuscule amount of time. The peace I have right now is amazing. And for that, I have this video for you..
**This is how a 2 yr old sings…(Also, ignore me singing…If I stop, she yells, “MOMMY! TALK!”)**
you’re welcome. 🙂 Happy Wednesday