No! I did not purposefully pick this idea because I wanted you to squirm a little. *tee*hee*hee*
Dear Lindsay,

Christmas season.

by Lindsay
No! I did not purposefully pick this idea because I wanted you to squirm a little. *tee*hee*hee*
Dear Lindsay,
by Lindsay
Okay, onto your actual requested topic: Greek pop culture!
It is hilarious to me that you are asking very basic cultural questions that in seven months of living here, I have not thought to ask. So thank you for forcing me to engage more deeply in the culture around me!
by Lindsay
I kind of feel like I’m there…but I better just go and get the REAL FEEL… Working on that…
Dear Lindsay,
I have a cold! I am in the midst of that beginning stage of being sick where I sleep 14 hours a day (perks of being single!) and complain the rest of the time. But your assignment last week got me out of the house a little bit and gave me something creative to do, so thank you!
1| If you were to go get a cup of coffee, where would you go?
Foccaccino! There are four chain coffee shops at the main road by my house, but I always go to Foccaccino because it’s slightly cheaper and also fewer people are there (introvert needs). I go there every on Wednesdays for my Greek lesson. There’s also a great fancy coffee shop in the park near my house, but I forgot to take a picture there when I went with my roommate on Sunday.
2| Diet wise, what’s the biggest difference?
Food is healthy here! I eat SO many more fruits and veggies here than I ever did in the States. Partly because everyone else does, and I’m a follower, but also because it TASTES so much better. I have had this conversation so many times:
Me: I don’t like tomatoes.
Other Person: Have you tried them here? Try this.
Me: OMG WHAT IS THIS? I like tomatoes now!
See also: onions, spinach, mushrooms, but NOT olives.
3| What habit or norm of the Greeks most fascinated you?
I have a couple options here. I could tell you about how ANNOYING it is that Greeks clean their front porches on a daily basis and are opposed to any kind of wild nature. Or I could tell you how confused I am that most of the women I’ve talked to wear pads instead of tampons. BUT, this is the thing I took a picture of…guess where people pay their water and electricity bills?
What? I’m so confused by this, but I’ve paid two bills at the post office now, so…whatever works, I guess. Apparently it is possible to pay online, but it’s still pretty new and everyone is very skeptical of it, lol. I promise Greece is a 1st world nation, but they’re definitely not pushing any technological boundaries.
4| What does fashion look like in Greece?
Funny you asked this, because my roommate brought it up on her own too. I don’t think there IS a Greek fashion? I guess flowy dresses in the summer, and women kind of like dying their hair red…but. Sweatpants on teenage guys? Converse All-Stars? I don’t know, Lindsay. I don’t pay attention to fashion when it’s obvious, let alone when it’s pretty much “wear whatever you want,” as far as I can tell. And I felt weird taking pictures of strangers, so I didn’t. You will just have to come to Greece and figure this one out for yourself (I am going to include an aggressive invitation in every letter)!
Do you like assignments, or do you prefer to go rogue? If you want direction, then I want to see how you spend your down time/vacation time/lazy summer time! But if you’ve got another idea, I look forward to seeing it!