TGIF! Does anyone else remember that….hmmm… Good times…
No, but for real, THANK the sweet and AWESOME GOD it’s FRIDAY!
It’s Friday, so that means “Oh, Hey Friday!” and a new one, “5 on Friday!”
List ‘o 5 — Items I am 87% sure I’ll Treat Myself to with my AMAZING Prize!
1. Rainbows
Man I miss these…Mac chewed these up many moons ago.
2. A successful accessorizing pick-up…my biggest challenge…
Well, that and Ruthie always takes my necklaces when I wear them
3. Jeans & a belt for Nathan — Fulfilling a need.
4. This dress for Tess for Easter…Old Navy…Bless You
5. A Make-up bag overhaul…just not sure what yet. I just know that the only thing that I buy on a semi regular basis is mascara and that’s because it was frozen. 🙂
Man, I need ideas! Do you have any?
I’m sure my helpful stylist will be all the help I need,
but I’m still open to suggestions!