Sooo…I attempted a Pinterest Project. I wanted to make an Advent Calendar for Christmas and it FAILED! Not kind of, not almost, but FLOP! Miserably.
…to start an Advent calendar with Ruthie this year and tell her wonderful spiritual things verse by verse every night as we opened the cute boxes and ate Hershey Kisses together.
- Go to Hobby Lobby and find 25 of something small and easy to paint/color, that would fit two pieces of chocolate and that was inexpensive.
- Find a way to display them.
- Go home & embark!
- Strategically place boxes on board so you know how they will fit and what lids to paint what color.(And, take a picture of it so you don’t forget.
- Paint the lids
- Glue magnets on the backside of the boxes….*here is where we start to break down*
- Lure your daughter over to the sparkly lids (yay she’s loving these bright colors! She will read about Jesus & eat chocolate!)
- Have your daughter then pluck every magnet you just glued on the box off.
- Re-glue,
- Give up and box it away. let her play with them, throw them across the room even. Then quietly box them up with a frown of your face and remember…she’s two, not twelve!
She melts my heart when she asks for my Jesus book. She loves the baby from my parents’ nativity set at their house (she especially loves to hide it). She will know the story of Jesus’ debut into the world soon…Until then, I’ll just make sure she know how much of a gift she is to me.
Deny that face. Seriously, just try.