This is the Awkward Blog Post. There’s like this blogger THING…It’s like I haven’t posted for so long that when I DO come back it’s got to be this STELLAR post! Then, I come up with this GREAT idea and start typing & it turns out a dud. So, then I wait a little longer… another dud… then anther… and before you know it, it’s 3 months. I. WANT. TO. BLOG! So, I just have to put a mediocre post out there and get the air clears so that I can blog again.
Let me just post stereotypical pictures of mia familia & try to say some funny things so that this post can be slightly worth it!
…At the dentist. It’s such a fun place that she asks when she can go back. This time, they had a “Selfie Station” & a video game projected on the floor where she stomped to pop bubbles.
So did you hear?! Tricia & I started a PODCAST! Please check it out… It’s called, “She’s Married, She’s Single.” It’s all about our 28-year-old friendship & how…well, um to put it bluntly, she’s single and I’m married…and how we see things slightly differently, but love life and our friendship. Needless to say, while we were recording our first episode, I had visitors, one anxious for a photo op!
For Nathan’s 30th birthday, last October, I got him a snow goose hunt with him & 9 of his closest friends. It was this past weekend. If you can’t tell, they had a blast. That would be 104 snow geese…3rd highest hunt that particular outfitter had ever head. Good day. (Note to self: Must get some goose recipes.)
My girls. This is what Jo is used to. Whenever it’s Jo & me, I am not entertaining enough.
So there it is…my awkward blog post… Ah! So glad that’s out of my system. I can finally post normal things again.