It’s finally here! Wild Ginger is here! Welcome to the world that is WILD GINGER!
No! I am not a! That’s the first thing Nathan clarifies when I tell people the name of my business/blog. I just felt it completely necessary, that if I want to make this a real deal and make my print design stuff and my blog stuff co-exist, they need to be together!
Now, please understand, I am still working on things. I am still finalizing details and adding and changing things.
But, I’m here…I’m here and I’m commiting to this. If I want to be a stay at home mom and grow my redheaded wonders into strong independent beautiful women, then I am going to do this and do it well! And have a flippin’ BLAST doing it! Check out Wild Ginger Print Design here or by clicking the link at the top of the page, and let me know if you’re interested in some FABULOUS Family Christmas cards. Or leave a comment below and tell me something to yammer about. I think in a post or two, I plan to do a survey and really explore and hone in on my nitch. Oh Boy…my nitch…I still need to establish that.
I’m so glad you stopped by! I’ll be posting more and designing my heart out. There may be some rocky points here in the beginning, but I’ll post adorable pictures if my little gingers so there is validity to your clicks! Like these…
click validated!
But really, I love what I do and I love to write and craft and be human..being human is fun…so to do that here and possibly make enough income for half the groccery bill…that’s a dream! Alls to say, please…Like/Pin/Follow/Subscribe to me in all my endeavors. You wonderful readers are quite the encouragers and are fuel to my heavenly fire. God love ya!
The Wildest of Wild Gingers